Sunday, May 12, 2013

Using Coin Cheat to Level up Fast

Using Coin Cheat to Level up Fast
FarmVille 2 : Level up

Get more coins using FarmVille 2 Coin Cheat then buy the "Hay Wagon".

It will give you 397 EXP buy as much as you can, repeat the process until you level up!

Buy Anything with Coins (Including Farm Bucks Items)

Buy Anything with Coins (Including Farm Bucks Items)
Farmville 2 : General Store

Buy Anything with Coins (Including Farm Bucks Items)
  1. Open Cheat Engine, in the Value Type chose Array of Byte. First scan 40 42 0F 00 40 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00 , select all the addresses and using red arrow drop them down select all and right click on those highlighted addresses and from menu change record type and change length to 16 you will see 4 new bytes added to the string: 40 42 0F 00 40 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00 XX XX XX XX (where XX is your own result)
  2. Now make new scan 36 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 and repeat the same operation you made in the point 1 and you will get 36 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 YY YY YY YY (if you get many results all different, select 3 or 4 the same)
  3. Now take 4 bytes YY YY YY YY you got in the point 2 and make a new scan of them and change the value of your YY YY YY YY to XX XX XX XX

Farmville 2 : Cheat FarmVille 2 Coins (500000)

Farmville 2 : Cheat FarmVille 2 Coins (500000)
Farmville 2 : HarvEstate Manor

The cheat is simple lower the price of "HarvEstate Manor" to 1 Coin and sell it with the amount of 500,000 Coins.
  • Play FarmVille 2 and Start Cheat Engine
  • Select a process to open
  • Choose second FlashPlayerPlugin_11 (for firefox) or 2 3rd or 4th chrome.exe (google chrome)
  • Set the Value Type to 4 Bytes
  • Scan 1000000
  • Click the first address and then press Shift + left-click on the last address
  • Click the red arrow
  • Select all with Ctrl + A, then press ENTER
  • Change the value to 1
  • Buy the "HarvEstate Manor"
  • New Scan 50000
  • Select all address and click the red arrow then change all values to 500000
  • Now sell your HarvEstate Manor which is worth 500,000 Coins!

Farmville 2 : Unlimited Harvest of Hen House and Water Wells

Farmville 2 : Unlimited Harvest of Hen House
Farmville 2 : Hen House
  • Open FarmVille 2 & Cheat Engine
  • Upon opening the CE, click that flashing little COMPUTER image.
  • For Firefox, find FlashPlayerPlugin_xx_x_xxx_xxx.exe
    (NOTE: 1. there are two flashplayer plugins, select the second one
    NOTE: 2. X is either a letter or a number).

    For Chrome, find XXXXXXXX-chrome.exe (pick the second one)
  • In the empty box, type 86400 and click first scan
  • Select all the results and press the red arrow
  • Select all the results below, right click, find change record -> value, and type 1
  • Harvest Hen house multiple times to find all exotic eggs. (and thousands of normal eggs)
  • Trade the 5 exotic eggs for Exclusive Polish Silver Laced Chickens that give the red eggs
  • If you scan with 14400 and change value to 1 you can harvest your water wells forever.