Sunday, May 12, 2013

Farmville 2 : Unlimited Harvest of Hen House and Water Wells

Farmville 2 : Unlimited Harvest of Hen House
Farmville 2 : Hen House
  • Open FarmVille 2 & Cheat Engine
  • Upon opening the CE, click that flashing little COMPUTER image.
  • For Firefox, find FlashPlayerPlugin_xx_x_xxx_xxx.exe
    (NOTE: 1. there are two flashplayer plugins, select the second one
    NOTE: 2. X is either a letter or a number).

    For Chrome, find XXXXXXXX-chrome.exe (pick the second one)
  • In the empty box, type 86400 and click first scan
  • Select all the results and press the red arrow
  • Select all the results below, right click, find change record -> value, and type 1
  • Harvest Hen house multiple times to find all exotic eggs. (and thousands of normal eggs)
  • Trade the 5 exotic eggs for Exclusive Polish Silver Laced Chickens that give the red eggs
  • If you scan with 14400 and change value to 1 you can harvest your water wells forever.

1 comment:

  1. Zynga calls FarmVille 2 a “next-generation social game.” Witnessing the game’s early-2000s graphics and minimal meaningful interaction between players, it’s clear that “next-generation” isn’t being used here FarmVille 2 in any previously employed sense of the phrase.
